Tag: Hello Clever
Introducing the new Hello Clever Checkout.
We are excited to unveil our improved payment gateway user experience, designed to provide your customers with a streamlined and secure transaction process. With a sleek and intuitive interface, we have simplified payments while offering enhanced scalability and flexibility for seamless white labelling to align with your brand. Our top priority is ensuring a hassle-free…
Hello Clever Workflow – Set Instant Cashback Campaign Using Automated Rules.
In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, staying ahead of the competition requires innovative strategies and seamless execution. For merchants seeking a dynamic approach to promotions, Hello Clever provides a powerful toolset, including the ability to set up instant cashback campaigns using automated rules. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the Hello Clever workflow…
Bye POLi! Embracing the Future: Upgrading your payment system with Hello Clever.
At the back of POLi’s closure this month, we’ve released some exciting features to help your business embrace the new technology with real-time payments. In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the way we conduct financial transactions is evolving rapidly. Traditional payment methods, like POLi and bank transfers, are gradually giving way to more innovative and…
Case Study: How Xtreme Online leverages Hello Clever to upgrade their online stores & payment technology.
This year, Xtreme Online marks nearly two decades of experience in Mobile Phones, Accessories, Device Repairs, Audio, Sims, Internet services, and other related services in Australia. Xtreme Online is part of the Xtreme Group of companies who consistently ranks as one of the country’s largest independent telecommunication providers, having grown rapidly to reach 500,000 customers…